Thursday, November 17, 2016

Darts: how to hit the bull's eye?

Darts always seemed to me game symbolical. Need to concentrate on the purposes, concentration, accuracy, ability to be self-controlled — whether these qualities are necessary also in business? However successful business has one more condition, namely — clients. To hit the bull's eye a dart it is necessary to train the body and an eye estimation. To achieve success in business, it is necessary to be able to attract clients. And it can learn too!
Yesterday I played darts. For the first time in life. That is I, of course, few times already threw before darts and even got to a target (the truth, outside sectors, as a rule). But yesterday I for the first time played darts in due form: with counting of points, with doubling, treblingand other knowledge. Though there is no knowledge there, but as it appeared pleasant emotions more than enough! Rules are simple to a disgrace. We played in "501" - it is the most widespread game in darts. Play it at team and single competitions of different level – from regional to world. Is "701" more and "1001" — for team competitions, and "301" — in individual competition. So, governed …

The target is divided into sectors, hit in each of which earns a certain quantity of points.
On a target there are two thin circles. Hit in external doubles the quantity of points corresponding to sector, in internal – triples.
Hit in the center of a target gives 50 points, in a circle around the center — 25
Each player throws three darts for approach.
In each approach points are counted: hits in sectors, and also doubling and trebling of points. The sum of points is taken away from 501
It is necessary to finish game with "doubling" — that is if there were, for example, 20 points, it is necessary to get to "doubling" of sector "10".
If the player for approach scored more points, than it is required, approach is not set off.
That's all, in principle, with rules clear. But on it simplicity also comes to an end. Darts at the inexperienced player, that is at me, fly anywhere, only not there where I send them. How to aim – a single question. I know how to aim from the gun, I know even – as from the gun, I more or less am able to aim at a billiard ball. But how to aim a dart?It for me a riddle. Eventually, I stopped trying of an aim throwing of darts and concentrated on feelings of own body. In general, darts was game not just emotional, but even sensual. Sensual meaning that it is necessary to listen to the body, the feelings. There are no rules stipulating how to stand how to hold a dart how to aim how to do swing. Everyone does it as it is convenient to it. But here to understand how it is convenient, it is possible far not at once.

It was convenient to me to stand a little sideways, having exposed the right leg and a shoulder, a dart forward to hold as a pencil, and to throw it almost without swing, having slightly moved during a forward rush all over. The throw demands big concentration. But here on what to concentrate, to me it is meanwhile not really clear. On the body — yes. But something else was missing. As my "mentor" told: you leave month – you will begin to understand.

Month?! And this prospect did not frighten me at all. Here I will buy a target, a set of darts and I will train. Especially as this absolutely inexpensive pleasure. It is solved! Tomorrow I go to sports shop to be equipped.

The target can be from a cardboard – the cheapest, but also very short-lived option. It is better to choose a target from a stopper or from rubber with different fillers, for example, with a horsehair.

And still darts:

entertains – excellent occupation for the friendly company or family rest
distracts – concentrating on a throwing of darts, you forget about problems
develops ability to concentrate and focus attention.

In total!! Tomorrow I hang up a house target! Also I will train to throw darts with the senior children.

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