Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Hand care in the autumn and winter

The subject of cold weather every day becomes more and more urgent. Cold weather and central heating very much try to declare themselves dryness, feeling of tightness and a peeling of skin. It means that there will come the winter soon and it will become better not. Especially open parts of a body — a face and hands suffer. We in detail considered features of care of face skin after summer in article with the similar name, and we will talk about hands now. And I because in articles we try to give the fullest and universal review of means wanted to make it in the blog, and I decided to share the darlings and the checked methods of rescue of hands during a cold time.

So it turns out that hands practically the first suffer from decrease in temperature. Here several simple rules on manicuring in the fall and in the winter.

1. All know what is a peeling and all do it. But only we use a srub on the person, without thinking that hands need the procedure of peeling too. On hands skin not less gentle, than on a face, also dries very quickly therefore choose the moistening srub. The srub needs to be applied on hands, to massage gently several minutes and to wash away cool or warm water.

2. Also, as well as the face, hands all the year round are affected by ultra-violet radiation. For this reason cream with SPF for hands — not a whim, but the need necessary to avoid skin presenilation. As we know, first of all the age of the woman gives not the person, but hands.

3. In the modern world of a hand is our business card. Men at a meeting shake each other hands, women carry rings and bracelets. Therefore accurate hygienic manicure is shown all. If you do not want to go to salon or to do his houses, then do not bite at all and do not tear off agnails, especially till it bleeds. In the winter the cuticle too strongly dries and it should be humidified carefully.

4. The simplest and universal procedure of manicuring — to smear them with a thick layer of cream or oil and to put on cotton gloves. It becomes, naturally, for the night.

Now we will pass from the general statements about care of skin of hands in the winter and in the fall to concrete means which I use. They were selected not at once, by trial and error. But that eventually there were I I can safely recommend because means I am sure of these.
By the way, my friend became interested in essential oils https://bettyharvey.dreamwidth.org/1428.html and says that she makes, so maybe my next post will be about it